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Our policies

Statement of Aims, Principles and Practice Download

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Download

Safer Recruitment Policy Download

Whistleblowing Policy Download

Lower Level Concern Policy Download

Privacy Notice Download

Missing Student Procedure Download

Anti-Bullying (including Cyber-Bullying) Policy Download

Online Safety Policy Download

Student Behaviour Code of Conduct Download

Anti-Radicalisation Policy Download

Complaints Policy Download

Welfare Health and Safety Statement Download

Emergency Procedure Download

Staff Homestay Code of Conduct Download

Student Handbook Download

Parent Handbook Download

Homestay Handbook Download

Our services

Student Services

International Student Service

We offer a wide range of services to assist students living in the United Kingdom. Our trained staff are on hand to guide and support students throughout their education, offering advice and support throughout their studies.

Trade Agent

Licensed International Trade Agent

For those hoping to enter a product into a new marketplace, our trained sales agents who possess the necessary language skills, cultural awareness and technical expertise can help make the process hassle-free.

Market Research

Market Research

Working both in the field of education and technology in the UK, we are proud to offer a market research team committed in finding the best solution to meet the individual needs of our clients.


Training & Consulting

Our consultancy service accommodates UK energy businesses and government agencies alike, in order to enable them to sell goods and services within China with ease.